Do you teach online piano lessons?

Unfortunately, I am not offering online lessons for piano at this time. I am offering in-person, private lessons in Tampa, Florida exclusively.

What is the format for your lessons?

I offer 30-minute or 60-minute long private lessons. They are 1-on-1 with just myself and the student, unless the parent wishes to sit in. Sixty minute lessons are not offered to students 9-years old and younger.

How much can I expect to pay for lessons?

Pricing will be handled separately, via text, call or email.

How do I reach out to you?

You can reach out to me by phone, with text or call, or by email! You can find the necessary information within the contact page.

Do you offer other Piano work?

Yes, I do! I offer recordings, accompanying, arrangements and more for the piano upon commission. Pricings to be determined.